Jambul Fruit
Jambul fruit is regarded in Ayurveda as a specific against Diabetes, because of its effect on pancreas.The fruit as such, the seeds, and fruit juice are all useful in treating diabetes. The seeds contain a
glucoside “Jambosin” (alkaloid) which is believed to have the power to check the pathological conversion of starch into sugar in cases of excessive production of Glucose. The seeds are dried and powdered. One teaspoon of this powder is mixed with one cup of milk or curd or water and taken twice daily.
The bark of the Jambul tree has an astringent action. If is also used in diabetes. The bark is dried and burnt. It will produce white colored ash. This ash should be pestled in mortar, strained and bottled. The diabetic patient is given initially 10 gms of this powder, on an A handful of tender leaves of the Jambul tree and tender leaves of the mango tree are crushed. A small ‘ball’ – ‘playing marble’ size is mixed with curd and given to patients in cases of dysentery, for 3 days. The juices of the leaves are useful for curing indigestion.
Charaka recommends eating Jambul fruit to improve function of the liver and digestion
For piles, eating 3 or 4 fruits, adding salt or honey in the morning for 3 months will give complete relief. The leaves and bark are used for controlling high blood pressure and gingivitis
The Jambul fruit cools the body. It reduces flatulence. In cases of disorders associated with the woman’s monthly menstruation, ground Jambul bark mixed with butter milk is a good remedy. Jambul controls bleeding.
Jambul is one of the main constituents of the medicine “Pusyanika churanam” (Jambul seed churana), which is recommended for piles and also excessive bleeding in women. Jambul seeds (powdered) reduces excessive urination.
Other Uses:-
• Tasty juices can be produced with Jambul fruits.
• Jelly, Jam and squash could be made.
• Wine and Vinegar are produced from Jambul fruits.
• Pickles also can be made.
Caution: Jambul fruits should not be consumed excessively. Moderation is essential because excessive eating of this fruit may cause sore throat.
Information on this page is provided for interest only on a "best efforts" basis and does not
constitute personal advice. Always discuss medical matters with your doctor.
Source : http://skayurveda.com
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